Texas Association of Business Brokers
Texas Association of Business Brokers, TABB, is a not-for-profit professional association representing the Texas business brokerage profession. TABB is the oldest statewide business broker trade association in the country.
TABB’s business brokers represent both business sellers and buyers and offer privately held businesses for sale, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), franchises and business evaluations and appraisals. TABB’s affiliate members are professionals in finance, banking, accounting, law, as real estate brokers, appraisers and other services to business brokers.
TABB is owned and operated by the members and governed by a Board of Directors. It has chapters in Austin, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston, and San Antonio.
Tabb holds an annual convention including an education conference, where TABB business brokerage education courses are offered, and a trade show displaying the latest in products and services available to business brokers.